What is E-Waste
A few years ago, television was newly launched in our country. I remember well that the Ramayana Katha started airing at that time. Ramayana presented such a beautiful depiction of Maryada Purushottam Bhagwan Shri Ram ji that it started being watched in every home TV, my grandfather also brought a big TV house of a Teksla company. After the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, movies and some sports began to be broadcast live. Now having TV at home has become a status symbol. After TV, landline telephones, pagers, mobile phones and other electrical and electronic appliances started coming into the house.
As the prevalence of computers was increasing in the country, my father bought a Pentium-4 Desktop Computer with CRT Monitor. At that time there was a problem with electricity. Due to this, they had to take 2 battery UPS and one inverter for them. The problem arose when these devices started getting old and deteriorating and new technology started to be upgraded. All electrical and electronic appliances operated by electricity who have completed their life or are defective are called Electrical or Electronic Waste or popular name E-Waste.